Política de envío

Packages are generally shipped within a maximum of 2 days after receipt of payment for products in stock and within 2 to 14 weeks, depending on the date mentioned on the product sheet, for pre-order products. They are shipped via Colissimo with a tracking number and delivered without signature or by Mondial Relay with a tracking number. We send you a link to track your package online.

Shipping costs include preparation and packaging costs as well as postage. Preparation costs are fixed, while transport costs vary depending on the total weight of the package.

All items in the same order are delivered at the same time. If you have an emergency and want your items delivered to you separately, in this case you must make 2 separate orders.

We recommend consolidating all of your items into one order. We cannot combine two orders placed separately and shipping charges apply to each order.

Your package is shipped at your own risk, but special attention is paid to fragile items. The box dimensions are appropriate and your items are properly protected.